Author & Speaker
Decision-Making Authority
How do you feel when you make a poor decision?
Ever wished you could improve your decision-making?
Imagine telling the military that the way it made decisions needed improvement. Ian Coombe did just that, and they changed. He developed a 5-step decision-making process so effective at winning that they wanted it classified above Top Secret. It delivered national superiority – coming second wasn’t an option! His process, WIKID POWER, has been used extensively at the highest levels – including a national security crisis. It is written into military doctrine, papers and books. Ian has been the opening keynote to the nation’s highest military intelligence programs, presented globally and featured at warfare courses.
Ian Coombe and WIKID POWER are considered the world’s authority on decision-making.
#1 Best Selling Author
Ian’s passion is to use his success to help others make better winning decisions in their work, relationships and life. So, Ian has now put his work into books. They have been international bestsellers in fiction and non-fiction: decision-making, problem solving, self-help and children’s book categories. His books WIKID POWER: How To Make Influential Decisions For Superiority and his WIKID Fables The Decision Triplets and The Deductive Detective are all #1 Amazon Bestsellers. His success comes from appealing to the modern audience who have less time to read. His books are shorter – his WIKID Fables take only 7 minutes to read – and are in ebook and audiobook formats for those who love the efficiencies while commuting or doing other activities. And they are written specifically to relate to diverse audiences – from 8 to 80 and from any gender or background.
Ian plans to help as many as possible by introducing decision-making to children in schools – to help them develop skills from the start of their lives, before the tougher decisions later in life!
Creator of DQ
One of Ian’s greatest creations is The Decision Quotient – DQ – the personality test of the future” – which provides insight into an individual’s preferred decision-making style. Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Intelligence / Emotional Quotient (EQ) personality tests are well over 50 years old now but only address the head or the heart. DQ looks at all aspects of decisions in two parts.
The first part, the three aspects of decision motivation, assesses your decision personality and presents it as an RGB color – there being no right or wrong color because everyone’s different.
The second extended part of DQ deals with the 4 areas of decision implementation. It assesses your decision personality strengths in 14 different dimensions. The result is displayed as a different CMYK color.
Together, the decision motivations and implementation areas address all 6 interrogatives of decisions: why, who, how, what, when and where.
DQ helps people understand their decision-making strengths and provides practical guidance in areas to further develop. It is helpful for individuals and also for teams to identify each other’s expertise. Great decisions are made when teams are formed with people having diverse DQ color sets.
Aspects of the Decision Quotient are Patent Pending.
Other accomplishments include academic commendations, a US military commendation and an Australian Leadership Excellence Award (ALEA) as Leader of the Year. He has been CEO, Chair and Founder of numerous successful enterprises. Additionally, he has coached and mentored CEOs and business leaders over many decades.
Ian’s passion is to show people how to make better winning decisions in their work, relationships and life.
Keynote Speaker
WIKID POWER is the #1 bestselling must-have single resource for practical and superior decision-making skills.
Ian is the must-have #1 speaker on any decision-making issue you need to address with authority.
Considered the world’s authority on decision-making, Ian:
- devised the WIKID POWER decision making process that delivered such military superiority they wanted it classified above Top Secret;
- developed the Decision Quotient, DQ, that HR professionals consider essential for building superior teams; and
- authored the growing collection of WIKID Fables that are the miracle solution to helping digital age people learn vital decision-making skills.
Ian has been the opening keynote speaker at Australia’s highest military intelligence course two years running and has presented WIKID POWER to authorities in Australia, UK and USA. His international talks are tailored to the moment and audience which has included:
- Conference delegates across many industries;
- Government;
- Corporates;
- Nonprofits and NGOs; and
- Schools and Universities.
Ian has been a guest of the journalists at the National Press Club and has been sought out by national TV, radio and print for comment on a multitude of issues.
In schools, we learn things that are helpful for our future. We make 774 deliberate calculations every day – that’s why we learn arithmetic. Yet we make 50 times more decisions than calculations! So why isn’t decision-making in the curriculum?
Ian is funny, relatable, passionate and enthusiastic – children, teachers and parents love his style and insights into better decision-making. His learning outcomes are instant with the simple takeaways he has for better decisions as individuals and in groups or families!
As a world authority and a #1 bestselling author on decision-making, as well as a parent and former CEO of a large children’s education charity, Ian knows how to make a positive and lasting impact as children develop so he is comfortable relating to any age group from about 8 to young adult (primary, secondary and tertiary). He can tailor a versatile package to suit your particular needs – whether for children, teachers or parents. Some examples of Ian’s offerings include:
- Being a School Resident Author
- Contributing to a Creative Writing focus
- Helping add decision-making in parts of the curriculum
- Using decision-making fables / talks / skills in Positive Behaviour for Learning
- Providing interactive author sessions in the Library
- Giving talks to students, parents and teachers such as:
- Students – decision-making at school, home and with others
- Parents – making decisions in your family
- Teachers – how to include decision-making skills for better outcomes
- Developing and writing a school WIKID Fable with students – all about your school! It would be a real hoot for the school to experience from start to end and see in print and on Amazon! An exciting term / year activity!
- Fundraising through books and talks.
His school talks can be tailored to the moment, audience and your immediate or long term needs. Some popular topics include:
- Resilience through better decisions
- Respectful decisions and behaviour
- Deciding on subjects and careers
- Decision techniques for different circumstances
- Decisions in relationships
- Family decision-making that works
- How to decide on social media
Ian has been a childhood education adviser to a government Minister for Education, has partnered with the education department to roll out a 5 year program to every child in the state and has adopted various childhood education pedagogies.
Speaking Topics
Ian tailors his talks to each situation. Popular topics are below.
lan’s 5-step WIKID POWER decision-making process developed for the military is so effective at winning superiority that they wanted it classified above Top Secret. This has been presented as an opening keynote at the highest national military intelligence courses and to world authorities around the world. Rarely does anyone see such a presentation usually given behind secure doors. This is for those who aim to make winning decisions that deliver superior results in the new era.
- The 5-step WIKID POWER decision-making formula.
- Common decision-making mistakes to avoid.
- Strategic tips for using WIKID POWER at work and in life.
Ian explores the story behind IQ, EQ, personality tests and DQ – the Decision Quotient. This session will give you insight into the creation of DQ – one of the world’s most influential methods being used to build winning teams. Valuable for anyone who has experienced frustration building great teams. He reveals what to focus on to have a better team that delivers superior decisions and results.
- The difference between IQ, EQ, DQ and other personality tests.
- The 3 motivating facets of every decision.
- The dimensions of implementing decisions.
- How to use decision styles to make better decisions.
Ian takes the audience on a spell-binding postcard trip around the world. He shares strange facts and stories of the world’s most recognised monuments and uses them as lessons in decision-making. With a postcard in their hands, the audience virtually visits 15 historic world monuments across 15 countries learning unforgettable decision-making tips
- 5 monumental decision-making mistakes and how to avoid them.
- 5 monumental decision-making strategies to leverage for greater success.
- 5 monumental tips you can apply for easier decision-making.
lan covers the many dozens of cognitive bias and leanings that destroy reasoned and logical decision-making – often leading to devastating results. Taking us on a navigation of the mind, he explains why bias occurs and how it can impact the fight, flight or freeze response that leads to poor decisions. Practical implementation of diversity in the workplace is tackled and how bias is the cause of bigotry and disaster.
- The 6 key cognitive bias groups.
- How to avoid bias that can ruin decisions.
- How to control the response to fight, flight or freeze.
- How to minimize the impact of bias in decisions.
Decisions as a leader are so critical. They affect other people, team morale and performance. Ian has been a leader in startups, public and private enterprises, nonprofits, government and military. He has enjoyed enormous success and has been awarded the Institute of Managers and Leaders’ Leader of the Year and a US military commendation. In this keynote, Ian uses relevant stories to your situation to highlight how to make better decisions as a leader.
- When to use slow and quick decisions.
- How to make decisions for team buy-in and loyalty.
- How to use different team personalities for decision harmony.
Group and team decisions are common in enterprises. But they so often go pear-shaped and can leave you wondering what went wrong. For over 25 years, Ian has facilitated group decisions at the lowest and highest levels in business and military, for critical situations as well as for strategic issues. His stories leave you gasping and his tips leave you eager for your next group meeting. Whether a committee, Board, team or project meeting, you will have a bagful of new ideas.
- Why room setup is so vital to get right.
- How to identify and control group dynamics.
- What motivations can derail the group – and tips to manage them.
Decision Making Workshops
Ian offers select clients the opportunity to have a tailored workshop for their particular situation or group. Only a workshop, where everyone gets involved, can drive the message home for lasting value. Ian’s facilitation skills and experience ensures everyone becomes immersed, learns and practices in a non-confronting and enjoyable atmosphere. Teamwork and spirit will grow and decision-making will never be the same!
Separate workshops are usually run for individual decision-making and group decision-making (such as committees, teams, etc).
Media Comment
Ian has been interviewed for paper, magazine, web, radio and tv since the 1980’s and has seen how the demands and requirements of media have changed to reflect today’s era. His training has helped him to work easily with journalists and crew to ensure they have material that will appeal to their demographic.
Topical issues may be addressed such as comment on a decision in the news or specific topics may be covered such as leadership decisions, inclusion and bias. Media kit available on request.
Ian Coombe Bio
Army Career

Business Career

Author Career
Writing has been a constant in Ian‘s life; from assignments, to briefings, proposals, manuals and books. Most books have evolved from simply structuring thoughts and ideas. Several have been in-house publications and Ian has guided a client through the book writing and publishing process which was achieved remarkably from concept to physical product in only four weeks! However, Ian’s real passion is decision-making and the manuscript for his book “WIKID Power“, which details the decision processes needed for superiority that Defence wanted to classify beyond TOP SECRET, was the first of his books to go to #1 on Amazon’s Bestseller list.
Ian enjoys other forms of writing and has made the decision (!) to write shorter books, for a time poor world. In his series of WIKID Fables, Ian focuses on only one tip for making better decisions – which is represented as the typical fable-ending “moral of the story”. Many tell Ian that they don’t have time to read a full book, but always have time to read a whole WIKID Fable over a cuppa! The printed format fits in your pocket for even more convenience!
His multiple #1 bestsellers on Amazon have further encouraged Ian to continue spreading his decision-making ideas around the world.
All formats of Ian’s books – audio, ebook, kindle, print – can be found and purchased at https://amazon.com/author/IanCoombe
Current Career
Ian’s career is now a portfolio career – ideally suited to his passions – comprising three aspects:
- Decision-making
- authoring
- keynote speaking
- facilitation & workshopping
- coaching and mentoring
- Helping new businesses and leaders
- Chair and Director roles
Ian is also the President of the Business School Alumni and Vice President of the Philanthropy and Nonprofit Alumni at a major university and enjoys giving back and helping others.
Qualifications and Personal
Whilst Ian has forged his career with passion, he has also pursued qualifications to enhance his knowledge and value. He has the following formal qualifications:
- undergraduate in Science (statistics and computing);
- postgraduate in Management, Economics, Information, Business and Philanthropy; and
- professional in Capital Raising, Governance, Boards, Management and Leadership.
Ian has been physically active and fit throughout his life but finds it more challenging these days – especially with no children to chase after any more (and no grandchildren yet – no pressure kids). He learnt a few magic tricks for his kids when they were small and considers it important to perpetuate the tradition of Dad jokes since life without fun would not be the same. Indeed, he considers a sense of humour and magic important indicators of a lateral thinker since the punch lines and reveals always come from the least expected perspective.
A more complete breakdown of Ian’s career and achievements can be found on his LinkedIn profile.
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… WIKID Power is absolutely powerful. His speaking skills are phenomenal. … continuing to help us in the healthcare world and also the corporate world … making better decisions, saving lives, improving financial outcomes …
Amazing speaker … highly recommend … leadership speaker … Ian knows exactly what it takes.
Oh My God! Amazing, Amazing, Amazing Speaker!